Staff Therapist, AB, BC, MB, ON
Eugena Maguire is a registered social worker who holds a Master’s degree in social work and is a Neufeld Institute course facilitator. She has a vested interest in supporting clients in the perinatal period and generally through grief and healing after trauma and suicide loss. She offers a fresh spin on many issues, informed by the concept of 'turning towards' emotions and working with the wisdom of one's neurobiology. She is skilled at taking clients beyond superficial strategies for coping in order to get to the root of issues for resolution and healing. Eugena has training in EMDR and parts work and is passionate about helping clients explore deeper parts of themselves, heal and integrate outdated neural response patterns. Eugena is trained in Gottman and EFT (emotionally-focused therapy) for couples and can attest to witnessing the power of working within the context of relationships themselves. Eugena is passionate about trauma-informed theory and how contemporary neuroscience can be applied to our everyday lives to help us thrive. Through years of deep inner work and play, hitting the books, and healing, Eugena has discovered what drives us as human beings: our need for connection.